Beijing shooting for 100,000 electric vehicles on its streets by 2015

China's government has signed off on its 12th Five-Year plan and, among a series of other economic development initiatives, it stipulates that the city of Beijing is expected to have at least 100,000 electric vehicles on its roads by the end of 2015. Most of those cars with cords will be passenger cars and the vast majority will be of the electric-only variety, but other advanced technology vehicles (i.e. plug-in and conventional hybrids) will factor into the mix too.
The plan points out that, in addition to enjoying substantial subsidies, consumers who purchase battery-powered vehicles will enjoy the special privilege of registering their ride without having to enter Beijing's license-plate lottery. Furthermore, electric vehicles will not be subjected to Beijing's strict traffic restrictions. By eliminating the license-plate lottery rule and dropping traffic constraints, some experts believe that many of Beijing's jillion-plus residents will flock to electric vehicles.

[Source: English People's Daily Online]

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