Video: Watch Son-uva Digger monster truck perform huge backflip

Son-uva Digger backflip – Click above to watch video after the jump

Ryan Anderson is the son of monster truck legend and Grave Digger owner/driver Dennis Anderson, which makes him monster truck royalty. Despite his privileged place among the elites in the high court of methanol and fairgrounds, the young Anderson doesn't spend much time riding his father's coattails.

While Ryan may have used his father's success as a launch pad, the Grave Digger heir apparent is eager to prove himself worthy of the crown. Anderson showed this at Monster Jam 2011 in Las Vegas, executing an awesome monster truck backflip. This may not be the first time a monster truck has ever flipped end over end, but it's certainly the biggest one yet. Hit the jump to check it out.

[Source: YouTube]

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