Video: Subaru WRX flips end-over-end at Global RallyCross Championship

Jimmy Keeney's crash at the Global RallyCross Championship – Click above for high-res image gallery

Marcus Grönholm put on an impressive display at the inaugural Global RallyCross Championship by winning both races, but one of the more talked about happenings of the weekend was a spectacular crash by Jimmy Keeney in his Subaru Impreza WRX STI.

Matched up with Hyundai driver Marcus Dodd in the Friday elimination rounds, Keeney had lost ground and was trying to make up time when he came up short for the 70-foot jump. The result was that the back end of the Subaru catapulted over the front, flipping end-over-end twice before finally landing on its side with smoke pouring from under the hood. Fortunately, Keeney climbed out of the wreckage unhurt, but the same couldn't be said for the car.

With ESPN covering the event and plenty of photographers on hand, there was bound to be some good footage of the event. Sharp shooter John Rettie has been kind enough to let us publish his photos of the wreck, and we've also embedded a video of the crash after the jump.

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Photos copyright ©2011 John Rettie

[Source: Youtube]

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