Video: Arctic cold cuts Volvo C30 Electric's range down to 50 miles

Volvo tests C30 Electric in the Arctic – Click above to watch video after the jump

Recently, Volvo wheeled out its C30 Electric for some cold-weather testing in the Arctic. In temperatures that hovered around -33 degrees Celsius (-27.4 degrees Fahrenheit), Volvo claims that the battery-powered C30 had "no problems coping with the climate." As Obi-wan would say, this is only true from a certain point of view.

While the C30 Electric started without problem, traversed the snowy terrain with relative ease and provided sufficient heat for its occupants (thanks, ethanol!), the vehicle's range dropped off significantly. The car's range is listed at 93 miles in ideal conditions, but the frozen C30 whizzed down snow-covered roads for only 50 miles before its battery was fully depleted. Volvo says that the drop in range was due, at least in part, to the added friction from the use of studded winter tires but, as most of us already know, cold temps alone can diminish range. Hop the jump to watch the C30 Electric tackle the Arctic.

[Source: All Cars Electric]

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