Report: Russian investor Antonov believes Saab will miss 2011 sales target

Russian investor Vladimir Antonov says that Saab will miss its sales target of 80,000 vehicles this year. According to Reuters, Antonov helped Spyker buy Saab last February, and is looking at taking over Spyker's sports car operations. Antonov also said that missing the sales goal would mean capital problems for Saab.

Victor Muller, CEO of Saab-parent Spyker Cars, dismissed Antonov's statements as bogus. According to Reuters, Muller called Antonov's comments "complete nonsense," and said that Spyker was staying with its sales goals for Saab.

Spyker is in hot water, too, operating at a loss last year and looking for investors, including Antonov.

Antonov told the Swedish press that he sees Saab moving closer to 65,000 cars for 2011. Saab brass say the company is on target to make its sales goal, but are more concerned with sticking to its new business plan than meeting a specific sales target. According to Reuters, Saab moved 31,696 cars in 2010, after cutting its sales goal from 45,000 to 30,000.

[Source: Reuters | Image: Chris Paukert/AOL]

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