Video: Tanner Foust and Justin Bell set Focus Global Test Drive benchmark time... sort of.

Justin Bell and Tanner Foust team up for a lap in a Focus – Click above to watch video after the jump

Martin and Lewis. Farley and Spade. Frost and Pegg. Bell and Foust? Are Justin Bell and Tanner Foust the next great comedy duo? No. However, the two can drive around a track very quickly. Though their styles may differ, they have teamed up to set a baseline run in a 2012 Focus for Ford's Global Test Drive Event.

Bell is a GT2 Champion and veteran of the 24 Hours of Le Mans. Tanner Foust is a champion drifter, X-Games gold medalist and overseas Rallycross rookie. The two can drive a car to say the least. Can they work together to put down a solid lap time with the 2012 Focus? Click past the jump to find out.

[Source: Ford via YouTube]

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