GM, Chrysler reportedly bail on Tokyo Motor Show

Detroit automakers have never had much success in Japan's closed automotive market. That was no doubt a major contributing factor to the Detroit Three's decision to skip the Tokyo Motor Show in 2009, and at least two of the three apparently won't be back in 2011.

AutoWeek reports that General Motors and Chrysler have announced they will skip Tokyo later this year. Ford hasn't yet officially announced if it plans to participate in the event, and a company spokesperson reportedly told AW that the automaker hasn't "decided where the motor show sits in our priorities." The move makes sense considering weak sales in the country. GM sells only about 2,000 vehicles per year in The Land of the Rising Sun, while Ford reportedly sold 3,047 units in 2010.

The Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association claims that most European automakers, including the German luxury makes, will participate in the event.

[Source: AutoWeek]

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