Video: Rémi's real-life Mario Kart is back!

Itsa him... Rémi Gaillard, bringing Mario Kart into the real world – Click above to watch video after the jump

Rémi Gaillard is at it again. You might remember the last time the Frenchman took to his local streets in a go-kart, because he did it while dressed as the Nintendo character Mario. Gaillard has stocked up on more bananas and turtle shells in a new video where he gives the real world a taste of Mario Kart.

Since the banana is such an important tool on both the offensive and defensive side of Mario Kart driving tactics, Gaillard needs to keep a few of them handy. When he runs out he simply heads to the nearest grocery store... and proceeds to drive to the produce section.

His original video, posted after the jump, has been watched over 35 million times, and the sequel is already climbing into multiple millions of views as well. Click past the jump and keep an eye out for green shells and banana peels while watching both clips of Rémi Gaillard bringing Mario Kart to life.

[Source: YouTube]
Rémi Kart 2

Rémi Kart

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