Japan unwraps chocolate Smart ForTwo for Valentine's Day

Chocolate Smart ForTwo by Q-Pot – Click above to watch the video after the jump

In Japan, Christmas Eve is a romantic holiday during which couples eat special cakes. So what's Valentine's Day, then? An occasion for women to buy men chocolate, of course. Or chocolate cars, as the case may be.

Okay, so the Smart ForTwo you see above isn't actually made of chocolate, it just looks that way. Specially prepared for the holiday by designer Tadaaki Wakamutsu of Japanese luxury jeweler/chocolatier Q-Pot, the unique Smart city car features a special chocolate-themed paint scheme. It's priced at 2.36 million yen (equivalent to about $28k), which places it at a considerable premium over the standard Smart ForTwo's 1.84 million yen MSRP ($22k) in Japan. Follow the jump to watch the video report, or head over to the Q-Pot website for a closer look.

[Source: Q-Pot via AP]

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