Mad Men go racing: Ridley & Tony Scott developing Le Mans period drama

Everybody loves Mad Men. It's a hit TV show that has something for everyone. Heck, it even features some nice old cars, like the pimpin' Lincoln that Betty Draper inherited from her father, and discussions around the office on marketing import cars for the first time in America. But what the series really needs – well, what we really need, anyway – is some good ol' classic racing action. Enter Hollywood producers Ridley and Tony Scott.

The British brothers' production company Scott Free just signed on to a project called The Drivers. It's based on Wallace A. Wyss' book "Shelby: The Man, the Cars, the Legend," which was optioned for the screen and is reportedly being turned into a television drama.

The series is set to follow the daring drivers from the U.S. and Europe who raced the 24 Hours of Le Mans in the 1950s and 1960s – one of the most exciting periods in racing history with plenty of material to draw on. There's no telling at this point when the project will begin filming, let alone air, but the notion of a Mad Men-style show set at La Sarthe has got our TiVos twitching already. Thanks for the tip, Peter!


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