Report: GM clears way for controversial Russian investor to back Saab

General Motors still owns a hefty chunk of shares in Saab. So many shares that it was actually able to block Vladamir Antonov from being a shareholder. Mr. Antonov is the Chairman of Conversbank Financial Group, which owns a major stake in Dutch automaker Spyker, and he has expressed a desire to be part of Saab. Now, GM is reportedly ready for him to take a financial interest in the company.

GM's hesitation came due to reports that Mr. Antonov was involved in organized crime. Antonov states that he was the target of false allegations and has since cleared his name through the use of private investigators. In the past, Antonov spoke about opening a Saab manufacturing plant in Kaliningrad, Russia.

[Source: The Straits Times | Image: Chris Paukert/AOL]

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