Videos: New Mini commercials crank up the weirdness

Mini vs Monster Teaser – Click above to watch video after the jump

Brace yourselves, friends. Things are about to get a little strange. Mini has set about creating a 3D film titled Mini vs. Monster about, well... we don't know what it's about. We assume there's probably a Mini in there somewhere, and there's a pretty good chance that a monster of some variety plays a role, too. But beyond that, our guess is as good as yours. Mini has been so kind as to release three teasers for the films, though none of the trio serve to shed any light on the content of the film at all.

That won't stop us from sharing them with you, though. The good news is that you won't need any pesky 3D glasses to watch the three short YouTube clips after the jump. Supposedly, the trifecta of weirdness use depth of field trickery to give us all an idea of what the 3D flick will bring to the table. Consider us intrigued. Hit the jump to take a look.

[Source: YouTube]

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