Disposable traffic cones, an idea whose time has come? [w/video]

Guy Griffith's disposable traffic cones – Click above to watch video after the jump

You don't really think about traffic cones very often, unless they are forcing you into a detour or stuck in your wheel well because you missed that last apex. Though we may not think of them, they're all around us, and one man wants to make them disposable.

Two things that Guy Griffith knows: he is a horrible website designer, and he loves inventing. His current product is a clever disposable traffic cone, and it's apparently gotten the attention of the White House. It's almost a shame Griffith didn't get to talk to the previous administration, because should he have gotten hold of then-President George W. Bush himself, the call may have resembled a Saturday Night Live sketch come to life (watch the video and you'll catch our drift).

Critically, Griffith's cones are not simply cheap ($2.95/piece) and designed to fall apart after one use, they appear to be strong and durable despite being made from paper and industrial-strength staples (you weigh down the cuff with sand to keep them from blowing away). For anyone that's ever outfitted a racetrack or construction company with cones, you know that the orange rubber pylons are surprisingly expensive, and they're heavy to lug around, so Griffith might just be on to something.

If you question the strength of Griffith's pointy items, then click past the jump to watch the video all the way through to the end (and then be sure to watch a second video on his website).

[Sources: SafetyCones.net, YouTube]

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