As new Congress opens, Republicans disband global warming committee

Wednesday marked the end of an era in the U.S. – the demise of the Select Committee for Energy Independence and Global Warming. Created under Nancy Pelosi in 2006, the global warming committee – devoted entirely to scientific discussions of climate change and energy-related issues – has been disbanded under Republican leadership.

In its four years of existence, the committee tackled issues ranging from grilling oil execs to the disastrous explosion of the Deepwater Horizon. In addition, the committee has held 80 hearings and played a key role in shaping policies for the 2007 energy bill and the stimulus package of 2009.

In its final days, staffers released a report that detailed the accomplishments of the committee. It also warned that:
Global climate change presents one of the gravest threats to our planet's health, and to America's economy, its national security, and its public health. Scientists warn that we may be approaching a tipping point, after which it will become increasingly difficult, or perhaps impossible, to halt global warming and its catastrophic effects. The United States confronts this issue at the same time it faces a deepening energy crisis-characterized by skyrocketing prices, high dependence on foreign oil, and continued reliance on high-carbon fuels that worsen the climate crisis.
Welcome to the new reality.

[Source: TreeHugger | Image: FaceMePLS – C.C. License 2.0]

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