Banned Four Loko energy drink recycled into ethanol?

Straight from the "Never Expected To See This" file is a story regarding plans for all those banned and discontinued cans of alcoholic energy drinks that were taken off the market late last year. Instead of bring poured on the ground in honor of all the parties that will forever be less exciting due to the inability of people to mix their own guarana-filled sugar water with vodka, leftover Four Loko (and other drinks) will be turned into ethanol thanks to recyclers like MXI Environmental Services in Virginia.

According to the Associated Press, drink producers, which have been sitting on a lot of the unopened cans, are shipping them to Abington, Virginia, where MXI will distill the alcohol from the drinks and sell it to a flex-fuel blender. The cans then go to an aluminum recycler, and the water in the drink and the cardboard packages are also reused.

MXI's Vice President of Operations at the facility, Brian Potter, tells the AP that a "couple of hundred truckloads," each carrying 2,000 cases, are on their way to MXI, which can process four truck a day. "There are about 30 different products involved, and we've only seen a couple of them at this point. It could go on for several months," he said.

[Sources: Associated Press, Domestic Fuel | Image: Elaine Thompson/AP]

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