America's best-selling cars and trucks of 2010 are...

We know... the suspense was killing us, too. We'll spare you the sleepless nights and get right to the list of America's best-selling cars and trucks for 2010:

1. Ford F-Series (528,349 +27.7%) 6. Honda Civic (260,218 +0.8%)
2. Chevrolet Silverado (370,135 +16.9%) 7. Nissan Altima (229,263 +12.6%)
3. Toyota Camry (327,804 -7.5%) 8. Ford Fusion (219,219 +21.3%)
4. Honda Accord (311,381 +8.1%) 9. Honda CR-V (203,714 +7.2%)
5. Toyota Corolla (266,082 -9.8%) 10. Dodge Ram (199,652 +13%)

As you can see, the Ford F-Series was the best-selling nameplate in 2010 for the 34th straight year, followed by the Chevrolet Silverado. The Toyota Camry, which managed to edge out the Silverado for second place in 2009, came in as the third-best-seller in 2010, its numbers down by about 7.5 percent from 2009. Also down were sales of the fifth-place Corolla (by nearly 10 percent).

We're just speculating here, but we'd guess there's one rather obvious reason Team Toyota's sales figures have fallen, and it's spelled R-E-C-A-L-L. Even so, those are still mighty impressive numbers, particularly in light of the amount of bad ink the Japanese automaker has endured this year. Every other vehicle in the top ten was up in sales, with the two Ford models earning gains of over 20 percent each. For reference, click here to see last year's list of best-sellers.

[Source: Kicking Tires]

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