Fuel cell buses hit the streets of Tokyo

Night shot of Tokyo, Japan

Starting last week, the bustling city of Tokyo, Japan was graced with the addition of fuel-cell powered buses running a regular service along one of the city's main thoroughfares. The eco-friendly people haulers run on two separate routes, both servicing different sections of Tokyo's Metropolitan Expressway. The routes span a stretch of highway between the Haneda airport and the Tokyo City Air Terminal. To accommodate the arrival of the H2 buses, the city of Tokyo installed two hydrogen fueling stations.

The project is part of Tokyo's shift to get alternative fuel sources moving more vehicles on the city's roads. The government hopes that this demonstration project will lead to further adoption of fuel-cell vehicles and create a society that relies heavily on hydrogen as a major power source, thereby reduce the city's greenhouse gas emissions. Hat tip to Roy!

[Source: Japan Today | Image: 4 Colour Progress – C.C. License 2.0]

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