Video: Crashvertising coming soon to a traffic jam near you?

Crashvertising – Click above to watch video after the jump

One thing's certain: where there's a car accident, there's a crowd. The severity is irrelevant; people gawk. To capitalize on this untapped audience a team of marketers has introduced the concept of Crashvertising.

If the Crashvertise team is notified of an accident, head to the scene quickly with posters and roadside emergency triangles highlighting whatever campaign is being promoted. To further draw in onlookers, the Crashvertisers will hand out related swag to further drive home whatever message the advertiser du jour is looking to spread.

A video, available after the jump, highlights how the Crashvertise concept works. Now, before you go berserk in the comments... be aware that this is satire. That said, we wouldn't be surprised if someone decides to run with this...

[Source: Crashvertise]

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