George Fortin builds a sweeter ride. We want one [w/video]

George Fortin with his Z-Kart – Click above to watch video after the jump

We first happened across George Fortin and his cool cart-building ways a few years ago when he uploaded some footage of himself enjoying his sweet home-built electric ride. Since then, more than 104,000 people have watched that video and over 1,200 were intrigued and interested enough to shoot off an email to our light electric vehicle (LEV) protagonist asking about kit plans, availability and such.

Apparently, George wasn't satisfied with that earlier model – something about it not being quite sturdy enough and wheels collapsing under hard cornering – and so it remained the only one built. Until now. A video has emerged featuring one of his friends trying out his brand new creation, the Z-Kart. And it is super sweet.

Using some heavy-duty plastic for the frame and motorcycle tires mounted on wheels from a sand rail, this latest iteration seems totally up to the task of providing tons of serious gas-free fun. It's limited to 40 miles per hour, but gets there pretty quickly. Its range hasn't been fully established, but the AGM batteries can get you at least 20 miles down the trail. Hit the jump to get the complete lowdown on the machine as explained by George himself. We've also thrown in the clip of his buddy's test drive and a secret – and slightly illicit – night drive through the neighborhood. One final thing. George, get a helmet!

[Source: George Fortin]

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