Video: Green Overdrive tests the Wheego Whip LiFe; walks aways disappointed

Wheego Whip LiFe – Click above to watch video after the jump

When we drove the $32,995 ($25,495 after a $7,500 federal tax credit) Wheego LiFe at the LA Auto Show, we concluded that our brief seat time in the big brother of the so-called "Cadillac of Neighborhood Electric Vehicles" wasn't long enough "to give a full recommendation or review" but closed out with this remark:
Sometimes one spin around the block is all you need. This is going to be a tough sell, given the other plug-in vehicles available in the very near future.
Apparently, the crew over at Green Overdrive shares a similar sentiment. During their drive, they concluded that the Wheego LiFe fell short of expectations, stating that:
While the LiFe does drive on battery power, it just doesn't have the feel of a smooth, comfortable, mass-produced car. It's being sold for the same price as Nissan's Leaf, but is far inferior in quality.
Seems like the electric Wheego might be a tough sell when pitted against some of its worthy competitors. Hop the jump to watch Green Overdrive's Katie Fehrenbacher dish out a rather harsh review of the Wheego LiFe.

Wheego LiFe
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Photos copyright ©2010 Sebastian Blanco

[Source: GigaOM]

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