Ex-Stig Ben Collins a raging Tesla Roadster fan too?

Ben Collins was Top Gear's motoring sensation the Stig, but now that he no longer holds that title, his true identity, as well as his passion for electric vehicles, has slowly leaked out. After posting a glowing review of the Nissan Leaf, Collins has decided to reveal his other love, the Tesla Roadster (maybe spending all that time with Jeremy Clarkson kept him from revealing his true feelings?).
It turns out that both the man (Collins) and his alter ego (the Stig) clamor at any chance to pilot Tesla's battery-powered wonder. Back in 2008, the Stig drove the Roadster to Power Lap fame with a time of 1:27.2 seconds; a remarkable run considering that the track conditions were listed as mildly moist.

Thanks to the recent unmasking of the Stig, we've also discovered that Collin's interest in the Tesla Roadster extends beyond the duties assigned to him for the show Top Gear. Just last month, Collins lapped the Brands Hatch circuit in Kent, England behind the wheel of the Roadster. So, what'll it be Ben? A Nissan Leaf for commuting use and a Tesla Roadster to toy with on the track? Sounds like a winning combination to us. Hat tip to Andy!

[Source: Tesla Motors Facebook]

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