Video: Scott Speed's Redbull NASCAR taxi earns its fare in Chicago

Scott Speed takes his NASCAR taxi to Chicago – Click above to watch video after the jump

With the venerable Ford Crown Victoria on its way out, cabbies all across the country are being forced to come up with all kinds of solutions to their passenger-hauling needs. The Toyota Camry has a bit of favor with this crowd thanks to its roomy back seat, efficient drivetrain and inexpensive MSRP. Of course, all of that goes out of the window when you start talking about the NASCAR interpretation of the sedan. Red Bull recently decided to put one of its tri-oval terrors to work on the streets of Chicago as a cab, complete with none other than Scott Speed behind the wheel.

With a few additions like real headlights, brake lights, turning indicators and a license-plate bezel, the Number 82 Camry was handily transformed into a street legal machine. Speed spent the better part of a morning shuffling people around the streets of the Windy City in a blaze of tire smoke and V8 glory. It looks like plenty of fun, and we're guessing there will never be another cab ride quite like it. Still, we think we'd rather end up in the Cash Cab. Hit the jump to check out the video.

[Source: YouTube]

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