Ecclestone wants independent F1 rule-maker, Mansell a spec chassis

Bernie Ecclestone has never been one to shy away from speaking his mind. The latest big idea from F1's commercial chief? Appointing an independent body to formulate the regulations that govern Formula One.

Currently, the FIA makes the rules with considerable input from the constructors through the Formula One Teams Association. However Ecclestone believes these actors are too close to the sport to make objective decisions on the regulations they have to live by. The rules have been changing too frequently, says Bernie, and an independent rule-maker would be the best way to rectify the situation and return a degree of stability to the sport.

Another influential Brit in the sport's spotlight has a different idea. Former world champion Nigel Mansell believes F1 should switch to a spec racing series, switching from constructor-teams to a single spec chassis like those used in just about every other open-wheel racing series (like GP2, A1GP and IndyCar). Mansell's idea, being far more drastic, is less likely to transpire. Think there's any validity to either proposal? Share your thoughts in the 'Comments' section below.

[Source: pitpass | Images: Goh Chai Hin/AFP/Getty, Rick Dole/Getty]

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