Ford Explorer teasers keep coming, model to debut July 26 in NYC

2011 Ford Explorer teaser images – Click above for high-res image gallery

The agonizing 2011 Ford Explorer striptease continues, made somewhat less painful by the fact that we now have what appears to be a solid unveil date and location. While the company has rolled out two new detail shots of the reworked SUV-turned-crossover – including a look at the rear hatch and roof rails (oooh!) – the Blue Oval has also graced the world with news that "a new Ford vehicle" will get a complete unveil in New York City's Herald Square on Monday, July 26. Less we've missed our mark by a wide berth, odds are that the vehicle is the 2011 Explorer.

According to Ford, the whole gang will be in attendance for the event, including CEO Alan Mulally and spokesperson Mike Rowe. Who knows exactly what kind of high jinks the company has planned for the 26th, but given the substantial buzz Ford has tried to build for the new Expy, we would be surprised if it were just a stage and a silk sheet. Stay tuned.

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[Source: Ford]

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