Electrovaya receives $5M grant from Canadian goverment for PHEV Dodge Ram project

The development of the plug-in hybrid Dodge Ram has flown under the radar lately, but we've managed to uncover an update or two within the past year. Dodge's secretive nature regarding the PHEV Ram has left us wishing for more details, but we'll have to make do with what we can get for now... and it at least shows that the PHEV Ram is still progressing along.

As we've mentioned before, the Canadian-based Electrovaya will supply the lithium-ion batteries for the test fleet of PHEV Rams. Now, the Canadian government has stepped in with monetary support to help quicken the pace of development for the plug-in Ram and other future PHEV trucks. Sustainable Development Technology Canada has provided Electrovaya with a $5 million grant to help the company further develop its advanced energy storage systems for plug-in hybrid trucks.

The additional funds won't be funneled entirely towards the PHEV Ram test fleet, but it's likely that it and many other future plug-in hybrid trucks will reap the benefits of Electrovaya's li-ion research and development... now funded by our friendly neighbors to the north.

[Source: Green Car Advisor]

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