Ford to give away 2011 Explorer on Facebook

2011 Ford Explorer Teaser – Click above for high-res image gallery

Ford is continuing to milk the social marketing cow for all its worth. The company has announced it might give away an all-new 2011 Explorer to one lucky fan and slipped the web another teaser of the unibody ute. We say might because the whole shindig is dependent on whether or not the company can rustle up a total of 30,000 Facebook "likes" for the model. If the online community makes it happen, the company will work its legal magic to hand over the keys to one of its the new unibody 'utes. Something tells us they'll have no problem finding that kind of participation.

The campaign is a lighter version of the company's Fiesta Movement, which managed to put 100 Fiestas into the hands of the movers and shakers of the social media universe for six months in order to build buzz about the car. We aren't exactly market researchers, but we'd say the ploy was pretty successful. While the new scheme with the 2011 Explorer isn't likely to see the same kind of attention, it will likely build interest in the SUV just the same.

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[Source: Facebook]

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