POLL: Tesla's IPO is upon us, and there's no consensus on what to do - what's your plan?

So, Tesla's long-awaited IPO is due next week, and there's a lot of chatter about whether to invest or not. Considering this is the first automotive company IPO in ages, this particular offering is getting noticed by people who might otherwise not be paying attention. We're still not going to tell you whether to put your money into Tesla or not, but we will show you what some other people are saying, starting with Mad Money's Jim Cramer, who thinks that the IPO is scorching hot but that the stock itself is absolutely not worth holding onto. Miss Electric, on the other hand, has come up with five reasons to buy and hold onto TSLA stock. Both are excited about the "wow factor," but come to different conclusions about what that actually means. Cramer, in fact, predicts Tesla will go the way of A123, with a big first day jump and then a serious slump. You can watch Cramer after the jump, keeping in mind one thing he doesn't say: that Tesla's sales have slowed; Green Tech Media figured out that the company is only selling about 10 cars a week.

Last November, before the IPO was officially announced, we asked our readers whether you were interested or not, and the results were 55-45 in favor of investing. It's been a long six months since then, and we wondered if anything had changed. Let us know.

[Source: Darryl Siry, Miss Electric, Green Tech Media]

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