Apple demos new Nissan Leaf iAd on 4th-gen iPhone with exclusive contest

Nissan Leaf iAd on 4th generation iPhone – Click above for high-res image gallery

One or two of you may have noticed that Apple CEO Steve Jobs "officially" revealed the new fourth-generation iPhone today at the Apple World Wide Developers Conference. What you may not know is that the Nissan Leaf played a small part in his demonstration of Apple's new iAd mobile advertising platform because Nissan will apparently be using the iAd system to promote its upcoming electric car with some cool interactive features.

The ad begins with a small banner that shows up at the bottom of the iPhone screen. iPhone users can tap the banner to expand the ad to full screen where they will find the Leaf on a pedestal. A swipe across the screen will spin the pedestal to reveal different features of the car. One of the pages allows users to register for the Leaf reservation list and even enter an iAd-exclusive contest to win a Leaf. Users will be able to check out the ad on iPhones, iPod touches and iPads after it goes live on July 1.

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[Source: Engadget]

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