Thirteen-year-old renders Porsche 918 RSR racer

2013 Porsche 918 RSR Renderings – Click above for high-res image gallery

Like most of the motoring world, our automotive lives really got off the ground at age 13. We suddenly realized that in just three short years, we would be legally allowed to drive our very own cars, and that revelation started a chain reaction of magazines, posters and models that eventually led to our first set of keys. We may have even been known to sketch a barely recognizable dream car or two. We weren't, however, cranking out professional-grade renderings of a Le Mans version of the Porsche 918 Spyder Concept.

Here's the deal: Team Speed forum user PorscheCarreraGTMay6 has been so kind as to share his vision of what a genuine Porsche hybrid racer might look like. That's all fine and good. After all, the internet is awash with plenty of Photoshopped what-ifs, but what makes these really special is that A) the person claims to be 13 years-old and B) the renders are drop-dead gorgeous and C) there's a good chance we're going to see a 918 Spyder racer within the next few years. The user even cranked out a YouTube video and a solid description of the reasoning behind the model.

You can check out the full forum thread here, and be sure to hop the jump to see the video for yourself. Keep your eyes out. If this kid is actually 13 years-old, they're going to set the auto world on fire.

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[Source: Team Speed]

The video meant to be presented here is no longer available. Sorry for the inconvenience.

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