Video: Sweden's Acme Advertising creates arresting green motorcoach marketing

50 Cars or 1 Coach ad campaign in Sweden – Click above to watch video

Sweden's Flygbussarna Airport Coaches asked Acne Advertising to make the case for travelers to take a coach to the airport instead of a car. Instead of leading with price, comfort, or ease, Acne went for hot air and green – as in CO2 and the environment.

To vividly illustrate that one Flyggbussarna coach can hold about 50 people – as opposed to the typical Swedish passenger car, which averages 1.2 occupants – while emitting the pollution of just four passenger cars, Acne built a coach out of fifty crushed cars – primarily expired Volvos and Saabs.

The installation was placed next to the road to Sweden's largest airport, and what ensued was lots of public awareness. And traffic jams. Which probably might increased CO2, ironically. Follow the jump for a video on the campaign. Even if the resultant congestion made the earth a bit warmer, it's still very cool.

[Source: Acne Advertising]

The video meant to be presented here is no longer available. Sorry for the inconvenience.

50 cars or 1 coach? from acneadvertising on Vimeo.

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