BREAKING: Fiesta Movement Agent reports car stolen, Ford tracking it live

Buried within the noise that is Twitter this morning was a tiny tweet from Brooklyn-based Fiesta Movement Agent Jake Bronstein:
#fiestamovement car STOLEN. No, really. Police en route now. I almost couldve predicted this somehow.
Jake's Hot Magenta Fiesta (above is the model we drove in NYC during our First Drive) is one of 100 Euro-spec models that Ford has loaned to selected "agents" across the U.S. We don't have many details, but we have confirmed with Ford spokesman Alan Hall that the car has gone missing.

Scott Monty, head of social media at Ford, has also confirmed the crime's occurrence on his Twitter page. Not only does Ford know one of its Fiestas was swiped, it's also tracking the hot property. All of the cars given to Fiesta Movement agents apparently have real-time GPS tracking devices that allow Ford to keep tabs on their whereabouts. Thus, Ford knows exactly where the stolen Fiesta is right now, which is convenient, because the local police apparently can't even locate the vehicle in their crime databases because it isn't an official U.S. offering.

As this is written, we can tell you the Fiesta is heading south on I-95 near Port Chester, CT NY. Keep your eyes peeled if you're in the area... and maybe we'll have this wayward Fiesta back home before the street lights come on in Brooklyn.

[Source: Ford, Twitter]

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