Karting documentary Racing Dreams takes top honors at Tribeca film festival

Gearheads that hear the name Tribeca are as likely to think of a Subaru crossover as the Manhattan neighborhood. But this year the Triangle Below Canal street was infused with a heavy dose of octane as Racing Dreams wowed the crowds at the Tribeca Film Festival. The documentary, directed by Marshall Curry and produced by Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, profiles three aspiring racing drivers in their teens as they work their way up through the karting ranks on their way to NASCAR. If you're getting cheesy visions of Randy Quaid coaching a little-league Days of Thunder, think again: Racing Dreams was deemed such a masterfully crafted cinematic journey that it was awarded Best Documentary Feature at the festival and voted the second best film overall by the audience, commanding repeat screenings to meet viewer demand. We'll look forward to catching the film ourselves, but in the meantime invite you to view the promotional festival trailer after the jump.

[Sources: Tribeca Film | Image: Bryan Bedder/Getty]

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