Coskata pilot plant waiting for government aid to move forward

Coskata CEO Bill Roe in happier times, January 2008

It hasn't been an easy 14 months for Coskata. The cellulosic ethanol start-up made a big splash in January 2008 with the announcement of a partnership with GM. Since then, the company did move forward with its plans to build cellulosic ethanol demonstration plants and raised more money, but there was no way it could be immunized from the overall economic slump. Earth2Tech takes a look at Coskata's current reality and finds that the company CEO Bill Roe recently told attendees at the Wall Street Journal Eco:nomics conference that Coskata's first commercial-scale plant is on hold unless the Department of Energy comes through with a loan guarantee. The good news is that the DOE is indeed moving quickly on handing out money, so perhaps the promise of $1 gallons of ethanol from almost anything will some day be kept.

[Source: Earth2Tech]

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