We think 140 characters is just peachy - ABG now Twittering


If you're going to show up to the Twitter party, you may as well do it when you've got something to Twitter about. With the Audi Mileage Marathon continuing this week and the Austin Alt Car coming up this weekend (along with some fun stuff we can't talk about quite yet), this is a perfect time to introduce the ABG Twitterpost. Stuff that catches our eye, stuff that we want to write about later, and notices of posts that we think are particularly cool (in a non-spamy) will make up most of our Twitters, but it's also a way to interact with y'all. Interested? Subscribe to our feed here.

I hope you'll join us in the ongoining conversation, as it makes us a better site when we hear what you've got to say. Trust me, your on-site comments are great, we just want to expand how we communicate with each other. I'll admit I'm a total newbie to Twittering, so your helpful advice in the comments is much appreciated. Ready. Go on then.

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