Carticipate: meet friendly carpooling strangers on your iPhone

The other day, I wrote a post about Zimride, a new online carpool app that integrates with Facebook to match up riders and drivers. I knew when I wrote that post that I had seen another similar program in the iTunes Application store, but couldn't remember the name at the time. Well, thanks to the people behind that iPhone/iPod Touch app (who are apparently AutoblogGreen readers and wrote in to remind me what I'd seen) I can now confidently say that what I'd seen was called Carticipate.

I downloaded the app (it's free) and fiddled with it for a while. The controls seem all right, but the biggest problem is that there are no rides or riders available in my area. As Carticipate's Steffen wrote in to us, the production version of the app has only been out about two weeks, so we might need to wait a while to see if this "experiment in social transportation (TM)" is something worth logging onto. Anyone else tried it?

[Source: Carticipate]

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