Toyota offers up social site Heya, but there's no Outkast beat

It's going to be difficult, I think, for popular music fans to see the name of Toyota's new social website - Heya - and not think of the hit Outkast song from a couple sexy summers ago. But, if you speak a bit of Japanese, then you know that "heya" means room, and that's the meaning that the Japanese automaker is trying to bring to the online space: a place where Toyota fans, gearheads and others can come together and talk shop.

Some of the eco-minded areas of Heya include the pages dedicated to the SiteLA contest, the SiteLA collaborations, and the SEMA concept car contest (sorry, but you'll need to register to view these pages I think). The SiteLA area, for example, was a collaborative space to "explore our visions of the future of transportation." The entry period for this competition is over, but there are still a large number of interesting ideas in this thread to keep you reading for a while, things like hybrid motorcycles and hoverboards (the poster adds: "I'm completely serious" in case you were wondering). We'll keep an eye on Heya in the coming months and see what other surprises it brings.

[Source: Toyota]

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