Tesla Roadster to appear on Top Gear?

Top Gear's Jeremy Clarkson has had nothing but bad luck when it comes to testing electric cars. Maybe the problem is that he's never gotten his hands on the right one. Reports are coming in from across the pond that the popular television series has recently procured a Tesla Roadster for Mr. Clarkson to wedge his rather large and surly self into. We have a feeling that Jeremy will like this car -- its performance, after all, rivals that of many gas-powered cars we consider super. Plus, it has British roots, and anybody who has ever watched the show knows that this fact earns brownie points from the three-man crew.

When will the test take place? That's a good question. Our compatriots over at AutoblogGreen have contacted Daryl Siry, head PR man at the Silicon Valley EV company, who told us that no specific date has been set. He did assure us, however, that a test will definitely take place. When it does, we sure hope that it goes better than the last electric vehicle test. Seriously, it could hardly go worse.

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[Source: The Independent via AutoblogGreen]

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