AutoblogGreen now available in iPhone format

For those of you who read AutoblogGreen on your iPhone/iPod Touch, we've got good news. A new, stripped down version of our site is now available for mobile devices. The new URL is and it's already up and running. Pictures and galleries don't look quite as impressive in the new format, and all of the navigation links are either missing or in different places, but at least the text is a good size to read on the iPhone's screen. Why is the site optimized for Apple products? Because our numbers tell us that over 90 percent (92.8 percent to be exact) of the mobile device page views AutoblogGreen has had in 2008 were from the iPhone or the iPod Touch.

Of course, you can always keep reading ABG on the iPhone's Safari browser the "normal" way, with all the pictures and everything formatted correctly, just by viewing the standard URL. But, if you were looking for a more streamlined way to get your green car news, feel free to make iABG your new start page (do people still have start pages?). Enjoy.

UPDATE: There is also a version of AutoblogGreen optimized for mobile devices (not just the iPhone/iPod Touch) here. The URL is

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