Better World Club aims to out-green the AAA

When we mention the American Automobile Association (AAA) on ABG, we usually are passing along some bit of data that the auto club has calculated. In April, for example, the AAA said that driving costs had gone up 1.9 cents per mile in the last year. The AAA also provides a lot of gas price statistics. But what we haven't really talked about is the AAA's less-than-stellar environmental performance.
The Better World Club (BWC) would like to change that. The BWC calls itself "the nation's only environmentally friendly autoclub" and recently set up a discount program for drivers of hybrids, EV and biodiesel vehicles. The BWC also donates one percent of its annual revenue to environmental clean-up activities. Since the BWC was founded in 2002 to directly compete with the AAA, especialy on environmental issues, it's no surprise that the BWC's website include a special reprint of a 2002 article from Harper's that exposed some of the AAA's not-so-green activities. Take this example:

A frequent target of the group's Washington office has been federal environmental laws. In 1999, AAA opposed new rules that required cleaner-burning exhaust systems for cars, trucks, and SUVs, and two years prior assailed an EPA proposal requiring states to reduce levels of smog and soot. In 1990, AAA even fought the strengthening of the Clean Air Act - a measure supported by three fourths of Americans - on the grounds that it would limit the "personal mobility" of motorists.

I'm not a member of the AAA or the BWC, but the BWC's roadside assistance benefits seem pretty similar to the better-known group's. If the prices and service are the same, seems to make sense to go with the green group, no? Thanks to Andrew F for the tip.

[Source: Better World Club]

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