Vectrix sales get their scoot on, more affordable model coming next year

It seems the sales of the Vectrix electric maxi-scooter have finally caught on fire. At the beginning of the year we were somewhat saddened to report that they had only sold a disappointing 123 of their innovative machines. Since then, the price has been chopped from just under $12,000 to a much more reasonable $8,795 for the 2007 model, and $9,395 for the slightly improved 2008 version. The skyrocketing price of gas may be playing a role as well, as people have been buying up scooters with a vengeance this year. The simplicity and ease of use that a Vectrix offers seems to be attractive to many newcomers to the scooter market. Of course, the company has also pursued a relentless marketing campaign to coincide with a strong effort to grow its distribution chain.

The result? Over 1,000 bikes sold and an exponential increase in dealerships. Since late spring they have gone from five retailers to 50 in the United States and are now listing another 75 dealers in other countries. They have a strong presence in Europe and can be found as far away as South Africa. They are even available in Andorra, where wookies come from wherever that is. With over 1,000 bikes shipped to date, the company expects the strong demand to continue and as the company grows they hope to offer more models. Though the company teased us with a superbike concept at the Milan motor show, they hope to launch a more modest $5,000 bike in 2009 featuring a "next-gen" NiMH battery that should boost the range by ten miles for a total of 70. We think moves like that could ensure "scootin' sales" for years to come.

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