Rendered Speculation: Production Chevy Volt

The Truth About Cars' contributor Andrei Avavarii is one of those rare individuals with a real knack for using Photoshop. Being a dedicated car guy, Avavarii's photochoppery is often a very good representation of what a real production automobile could look like. Such is the case with his latest piece, which offers an early glimpse into the design of GM's most highly anticipated vehicle before it's finally released to the public sometime in 2010 (hopefully).
The most radical design element kept in this speculative-image are the transparent sections built into the upper door skins first seen on the original concept. Lutz says that the production car will be recognizable as a Volt though some concessions will need to be made, so Avavarii has enlarged the greenhouse and streamlined the car a bit for the sake of aerodynamics. Of course, we'll just need to wait till Chevy lays down its cards -- possibly as early as this October in Paris -- before we know how accurate this rendering may be, but it's always fun to speculate in the meantime.

[Source: The Truth About Cars]

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