Mitsubishi iMiEV to get tested in California in Q4 2008!

Those folks in America wanting to buy an all-electric Mitsubishi i MiEV sometime in the future now have a reason for increased optimism. The company has just announced agreements with both Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG & E) and Southern California Edison (SCE) to test how the vehicles fare under California's driving conditions. Amongst the quotes that accompanies these sorts of press releases lies a hint that at least one of the utilities is already considering charging infrastructure for the state. Behold the statement of Andrew Tang, senior director at PG&E: "Partnering with automakers like Mitsubishi is vital to developing compatible infrastructures." Sounds promising, no?

MiMoCo has already partnered with seven different utilities in Japan for testing which must have gone quite well as they are planning on retailing the car there in 2009. Although the EV may be sold in England as early as 2010, according to an earlier statement by Tohru Hashimoto, the kei car may be slightly up-sized before it comes to America although the powertrain should remain the same. Press releases from both Californian utilities await your scrutiny after the break.

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[Source: Reuters / Mitsubishi Motor Co.]


Mitsubishi Motors Corporation and Pacific Gas and Electric Company to Conduct Joint Research with i MiEV Electric Vehicles

Innovative Four-Passenger Electric Car Delivery in Fourth Quarter 2008

Tokyo, August 8, 2008 - Mitsubishi Motors Corporation (MMC) announced today that it has signed a letter of intent with Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) covering the use of MMC's zero-emissions i MiEV electric vehicle for research and demonstration purposes.

According to Tohru Hashimoto, Corporate General Manager of the i MiEV Business Promotion Office of Mitsubishi Motors Corporation, "We are hoping for the opportunity to introduce the small, four-passenger Mitsubishi i MiEV to PG&E's fleet in the fourth quarter of this year so that we can begin real-world U.S. testing. The joint partnership will yield valuable data and a greater appreciation of the practicality of an all-electric vehicle in California."

Extensive testing with the i MiEV has taken place over the past two years with seven major utility companies in Japan. The success of these programs quickened the pace and prompted Mitsubishi Motors to begin selling the electric vehicle in the Japan market in summer of 2009.

Through daily use, PG&E will gauge the viability of utilizing all-electric vehicles in its operations and further understand the impact of charging electric vehicles on the electric grid. The testing will provide PG&E and Mitsubishi Motors with vehicle usage data, which will be used to publicly demonstrate and validate the many benefits of dedicated electric vehicles within the California market.

"PG&E has been researching the benefits of electric vehicles since the nineties. Partnering with automakers like Mitsubishi is vital to developing compatible infrastructures to support electric vehicles in the marketplace and ensure responsible integration with the grid," said Andrew Tang, senior director of smart energy web for PG&E. "By working with Mitsubishi, we will both benefit from a free exchange of electric vehicle information that includes charging infrastructure availability, vehicle data, vehicle commercialization expectations and public feedback."

The i MiEV electric vehicle, which is based on Mitsubishi's "i" gasoline-powered mini car on sale in Japan, adapts a zero-emissions state-of-the-art electric drivetrain. A durable 330-volt lithium-ion battery system is located under the floor deck and powers a permanent magnet electric motor. With this packaging, the vehicle offers the same level of interior utility and space as the gasoline version while lowering the center of gravity for more stable handling. The 47 kW electric motor offers improved performance and quicker acceleration over the 64-hp gasoline version.

The advanced lithium-ion battery is developed by Mitsubishi Motors Corporation / Mitsubishi Corporation / GS Yuasa joint venture company, Lithium Energy Japan. LEJ represents the leading edge in battery technology and promises up to 100 miles*1 of zero emissions, economical driving on a single charge when packaged in the i MiEV.

Mitsubishi Motors Corporation to Provide i MiEV Electric Vehicles to Southern California Edison's Industry Leading EV Technical Center for Joint Testing and Evaluation

Innovative Four-Passenger Electric Car Delivery in Fourth Quarter 2008

Tokyo, August 8, 2008 - Mitsubishi Motors Corporation (MMC) announced today that it has signed a letter of intent with Southern California Edison (SCE) to forge a unique collaboration for testing and evaluation of the new i MiEV electric vehicle.

According to Tohru Hashimoto, Corporate General Manager of the i MiEV Business Promotion Office of Mitsubishi Motors Corporation, "The small, four-passenger Mitsubishi i MiEVs will enter into SCE's nationally-recognized prototype testing and evaluation program. This collaboration with one of the nation's leading utility supporters of electric vehicles will provide us technical feedback on i MiEV vehicle and battery performance, as well as vehicle connection and integration into the electrical system."

Extensive testing with the i MiEV has been occurring over the past two years with seven major utility companies in Japan. The success of these programs quickened the pace and prompted Mitsubishi Motors to begin selling the electric vehicle in the Japan market in summer of 2009.

The rise in interest for electric vehicles and other alternative-fuel propulsion systems is dramatically shaping the way automakers and utility companies are approaching the opportunity. Through this program, SCE hopes to help Mitsubishi Motors gauge how electric vehicles will most effectively connect to the smart grid of the future and the next generation Edison SmartConnectTM advanced meters. In addition, the collaboration may explore future requirements for vehicle communication and connection, helping enable new customer values associated with home energy management and control.

"Southern California Edison has more than 20 years and 16 million EV miles of experience operating the nation's largest private fleet of electric vehicles," said Edward Kjaer, SCE's director of electric transportation. "This new EV collaboration with Mitsubishi complements SCE's existing work on plug-in hybrids and next-generation advanced batteries and their effective connection and control by Edison's next-generation meters"

The i MiEV electric vehicle, which is based on Mitsubishi's "i" gasoline-powered mini car on sale in Japan, adapts a zero-emissions state-of-the-art electric drivetrain. A durable 330-volt lithium-ion battery system is located under the floor deck and powers a permanent magnet electric motor. With this packaging, the i MiEV is able to offer the same level of interior utility and space as the gasoline version while lowering the center of gravity for more stable handling. The 47 kW electric motor offers improved performance and quicker acceleration over the 64-hp gasoline version.

The advanced lithium-ion battery is developed by the Mitsubishi Motors Corporation / Mitsubishi Corporation / GS Yuasa joint venture company, Lithium Energy Japan. LEJ represents the leading edge in battery technology and promises up to 100 miles*1 of zero-emissions, economical driving on a single charge when packaged in the i MiEV.

*1 Japan 10-15 Mode Cycle

About SCE
An Edison International company, Southern California Edison is one of the nation's largest electric utilities, serving a population of more than 13 million via 4.8 million customer accounts in a 50,000-square-mile service area within central, coastal and Southern California. SCE's EV Technical Center, unique in the utility industry, partners with automakers and battery manufacturers to conduct industry-leading prototype testing and evaluation on battery EV, plug-in hybrid EV and fuel cell EV vehicles. For more information, see

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