Cadillac may add 2.0L four cylinder turbo to CTS if drivers demand it

With everyone else working on downsized engines to deal with rising (in spite of the current respite) fuel costs, one brand who hasn't said anything is Cadillac. One model in the lineup that would be ripe for the treatment is the CTS. For all the praise the model has earned since its debut last year, one problem it has is mass, as in too much of it. GM has already indicated that they are open to the possibility of using the 2.0L direct injected turbo four cylinder from the Solstice GXP in the Camaro, and the CTS would be another prime candidate. The four cylinder has as much power and more torque than the base 3.6L V6 in the CTS. The four cylinder would be more efficient and probably weigh less than the V6 to boot. Whether this combination ever appears will depend on whether American consumers start to show a desire for smaller engines in premium cars. At the dedication of GM's new powertrain engineering center last week EVP Tom Stephens told AutoObserver that the company is watching the market and will respond with appropriate engines from its lineup.

[Source: AutoObserver, Image ©2008 John Neff]

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