NICE to unveil the Ze-O at British International Motor Show

NICE Car Company has announced another new all-electric addition to their line-up to be debuted at the British International Motor Show (BIMS). This vehicle, which the company classifies as an MPV, they say is "neither a concept nor prototype". Priced at £14k ($27,995.08) NICE is calling this car the first all-electric that fits within a family budget. The Euro-styled, Sino-constructed Ze-O will be available for sale this autumn and will be theoretically capable of 55 mph and have a 65 mile range. An upcoming lithium ion battery option should help out that range considerably. The car is free of emissions and exempt from road tax and congestion charges. Sadly, It bears no resemblance to the other Zeo. Press release after the jump.

[Source: NICE Car Company]

Date: 14 July 2008
Never mind the concepts; here's the Ze-O from NICE

*First picture of £14k, all-electric MPV from NICE Car Company
*To be unveiled at British International Motor Show on 22 July 2008
*Neither a concept nor prototype; the Ze-O is coming to Europe this year

Affordable, practical, with low running costs and zero emissions;
Company today presents the first image of the all-new Ze-O. Making its global
debut at the British Motor Show next week, this MPV is the first all-electric car
available within a family budget.

"All-electric sports car prototypes are eye-catching and interesting," said Julian
Wilford, co-founder NICE Car Company. "However, we all know customers want
practical electric cars and they want them sooner rather than later. The Ze-O is a
genuinely spacious and affordable car; it's coming to the UK this Autumn and to
the rest of Europe during 2009. We expect to be very busy at the motor show."
Styled in Europe and manufactured by NICE's partners in China, the entry level
Ze-O will have a range of up to 65 miles in city driving and top speed of 55 mph.
Optional, longer-range lithium-ion battery options will be available soon.
Emissions free, the car will be exempt from road tax, congestion charge and
boasts running costs of a few pence per mile. That's a fraction of the cost of a
conventional petrol or diesel model.

Full details of the Ze-O and other models in the NICE Car Company family, will be
revealed on the stand; N25, North Hall, London ExCeL, on 22 July 2008.
The NICE Car Company press briefing takes place at 2.15 pm. But come along
anytime. To arrange an interview with NICE co-founders1 Julian Wilford or Evert
Geurtsen contact:
Nigel Wonnacott 07954 326 528

Note to Editors
1. Founded by two entrepreneurs, Evert Geurtsen and Julian Wilford, The NICE Car Company is aa
venture dedicated to bringing the best in environmentally clean vehicles to market. Prior to creating
NICE, Evert Geurtsen spent more than 20 years in the international automotive industry both at
General Motors and as the Commercial Head of Lotus Engineering. Julian Wilford has held a number of
senior commercial roles, most recently at the insurer Aviva plc, where he was Group Strategic
Development Director. Julian started his career as an engineer with Rolls-Royce plc.

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