Just how long until we see the end of the internal combustion engine?

Photo by bigfootmedia. Licensed under Creative Commons license 2.0.

This fall, the Advanced Automotive Electronics (AAE) group in the UK will host AAE2008, a one-day conference about vehicle electronics system design and development. While that may not sound like something totally in line with greener driving, there will be at least one presentation that would likely attract the attention of our regular readers: Barry Shrier, CEO of Liberty Electric Cars (these guys), is going to predict the end of the ICE.

Unsurprisingly for a CEO of an electric car conversion company, Shrier expects that internal combustion engines will be replaced on a wide scale by electric motors. His talk will focus on how legislation, customer awareness and technology all impact EV adoption. Shrier's is not the only speech that we'd like to sit in on. There will be a panel on "Environmental constraints – help or hindrance to automotive electronic design," and 14 other technical seminars.

[Source: AAE2008]

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