VIDEO: Sylvester Stallone shilling for VW in Brazil

Many actors loan out their famous faces to make some extra coin in foreign markets without over saturating their image here in the States. Big screen tough guy Sylvester Stallone is no different, and since he hasn't had a good financially successful picture since Demolition Man, he was probably pretty excited when Volkswagen of Brazil came calling. Following the jump are two VW commercials for the VW Gol hatchback. The first one is a minute and a half long, and features a Rambo-style helicopter vs. sub-Polo Gol battle royale. And the second one involves a group of curious onlookers honing in on the Gol as it sits parked on the side of the road. Both ads feature a rough-looking Stallone showing up at the end, and even though he only utters a few words, a Portuguese-speaking dub is needed. Hillarious, and kind of sad at the same time. Thanks for the tip, Carlos!

[Source: Argentina Autoblog]

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