More rumors of a Chrysler sale, bankruptcy

Despite the fact that Chrysler shares are no longer sold on the stock market, rumors regarding the company's financial standing continue to haunt the number three domestic auto manufacturer in America. Last week, rumors regarding the negative cash flow were so rampant, a company spokesperson went out of his way to deny that the automaker was headed towards bankruptcy. Now, despite constant assurance from Chrysler that it's hitting all of its internal goals, the lack of announced future product and credit warnings from major firms such as Merrill Lynch and Fitch Ratings are causing some industry insiders to predict major changes from the automaker. Some analysts even believe that Cerberus is looking to offload or break up the company, allegations that Chrysler vehemently denies.
Because the automaker is privately held, the world will just need to sit back and wait to see how Cerberus' so-called "buy, fix and hold" strategy will work out. Despite what took place back in the '70s, Chrysler shouldn't get its hopes up for much federal assistance. It goes without saying, though, that Chrysler is going to need some major revamped products if it plans to make it in the tough U.S. market much longer.

[Source: The Detroit Free Press]

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