CARB requires all new cars in California to bear "green" labels


As of January 1, 2009, all vehicles sold in California will be required to display a window sticker that rates the "environmental performance" of the new car or truck. Initiated by the California EPA Air Resources Board (CARB), the label is designed to "...arm consumers with the information they need to choose a vehicle that saves gas, reduces greenhouse gas emissions and helps fight smog all at once." Each vehicle will receive two different scores. The first will be a "Global Warming Score" based on greenhouse gas emissions from operating the vehicle and fuel production. The second score will be a "Smog Score" that is determined by the smog-forming emissions from operating the vehicle. The scale, based on a 1-10 rating, allows consumers to see how their vehicle fares when compared to other vehicles in the class. Like the new governmental crash test data now displayed on new car windows, the disclosure will be effective on two fronts: it will educate concerned buyers, and unofficially call-out those manufacturers that fall below the average. In this environmentally-conscience environment, there is nothing quite as effective as public shame...

[Source: The Detroit News]

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