Toyota facing workers rights abuse charges

The Toyota Prius has long been the darling of Hollywood celebrities, though it seems its good reputation is being besmirched just a bit. We can't say whether the allegations are true or not, but The National Labor Committee (NLC) has published a report highlighting such offenses against Toyota as operating sweat shops, working with dictators and human trafficking. Also under fire are supposedly low wages for workers in Japan and long hours without overtime pay.
You may remember from some time back reports regarding at least one Toyota worker who died from overwork. This case is brought up again by the NLC along with a few examples of workers who committed suicide allegedly because they were put under too much pressure to perform. Toyota's lack of an American union is also drawing ire from the NLC, as are the lower wages the company pays its U.S. employees. Again, we're not able to comment on the validity of the NLC's report, however these are serious allegations which could potentially tarnish the squeaky-clean reputation that the automaker currently holds.

[Source: The National Labor Committee via World Car Fans]

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