OK, now what: thieves make off with 4,000 gallons of diesel from LA-area station

Well, the Burbank police certainly are adept at stating the obvious. After 4,000 gallons of diesel fuel were stolen from on Exxon fuel station in Burbank sometime before it opened on Friday morning, the police issued a statement (available here) saying that they "believe a fuel tanker truck was used." That's why they're cops and we're not.
In any case, this could be a huge problem for station owners across the country, if the thief (thieves) get away with this. The AP says that whoever took the fuel took it from the unlocked underground tanks. Burbank police Detective Sam Anderson said that one would need "a special device" to open them. I don't know what that device is, but it must be worth a lot to the suspect(s) considering that 4k gallons of diesel is worth over $20,000 right now, if they can find a way to sell it.

Photo by exrorro. Licensed under Creative Commons license 2.0.

[Source: AP, LA Times Bottleneck blog]

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